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July 2024 President's Report

Greetings all. Our ITA Legislative Breakfast was held March 21st at the Statehouse. This was our 13th year were we had a display of pelts, coats, fur teddy bears and other fur accessories. We had multiple Senators and Representatives stop by, chat and look over our display of items. This event has become effective in getting to know many of our legislators as well as a low cost way to meet and greet them in a more personal setting. Legislatively a bill allowing youth under 16 years of age to trap fur-bearing animals without a license while accompanied by the minor’s parent, guardian, or other competent adult with consent from the minor’s parent or guardian and the person accompanying the minor has a valid fur harvester license was passed and signed by the governor. Bills for creating a lifetime furharvester license for disabled vets, raccoon bounty and reducing fur buyer license fee were unable to get passed this session.

The ITA held our 22nd annual FBU/ITA banquet April 6th at the Sheraton West Des Moines Hotel. This new location was much nicer than in the past with everything located in one room. We ended with about 300 people attending and the banquet overall went well as to funds received due to attendees and businesses generous support during the evening. Thank you to our 10 corporate sponsors, 36 sponsors and many people and businesses who donated items. Also, Thanks to Cody and Tracy Hutton, Bret Smith for being MC and auctioneer, Black Flag Arsenal for our firearms as well as all the committee members and everyone who attended. We are currently planning year 23 for the middle of March 2025. Mark your calendar for 2025 and plan on attending next years banquet at the same location.

April 7th was the ITA’s Spring Board meeting. Guests were Sandy Eckhardt, Judy Sells, Allyson Oser, Dale Rowson, Tim Anderson & Jeff Milner. Kristan reported our current membership at 1,333 with 524 lifetime members. New lifetimes since my last report are Gary Sprouse, Briar Burrow, Finley Vasey, Mike Anderson, Andy Ashland, Abbye Deters and Alan Allsup. Thank you to all the new lifetime, new and renewing members.

The association has acquired our sheared beaver coat and vest for Miss Iowa and Teen for this year. Grace and Dale Rowson will assist Tom with presenting these on June 15th this year and will be taking over for Tom Walters starting in 2025. Thank you Tom for doing this over the many years, also to Grace and Dale in accepting to take over this in the future.

Officer positions up for election this fall are president and treasurer. Chris and I were nominated by the Board for our current positions. Nominations may also be received from the membership provided consent of the nominee is obtained prior to their name being placed in nomination. Nominations will remain open until the General Membership Meeting 1:30 P.M. September 7th.

ITA is looking for persons interested in being a FTA or NTA Director. Requirements for either position are: 1) You must be a current member of the ITA. 2) A current member of the respective organization of interest for that position. 3) Attend annual Board meeting of respective organization:  FTA - Wednesday prior to National Rendezvous, usually mid June. NTA - Tuesday/Wednesday prior to National usually 3rd week of July. 4) Report to ITA Board 4 times a year happenings of respective organization, then to ITA membership at our convention. 5) Each organization requests volunteer time in their booth during their respective convention. 6) The ITA Board of Directors shall appoint the affiliate director who shall be the I.T.A’s representative to the affiliated organization. The affiliate director shall be a non-voting position on the ITA Board of Directors. Anyone interested in either of these positions can contact me for further info. at 515-306-9385 or

Mike Fletchall and Justin Stiens will be hosting their 3rd Annual SW Iowa Trappers Get Together Saturday June 1st from 12:00 to 3ish P.M. at Lake Icaria North of Corning. The address is 1756 Juniper Ave and I will have Iowa Trappers Assn. signs to guide you in as well. They have a shelter reserved near the marina which is located on the south side of the lake. There will be both youth and adult demos during the day. Mike and Justin will do the kid’s demo first, afterwards Jason Jenkins will probably do a coyote demo and Logan Exline a beaver demo for adults. Youth who attend will receive a trapping starter kit. Mike & Justin are asking if you bring a youth to call or text them, if possible, to indicate the number of youth so they can have these kits pre-made to hand out. Text or call Mike Fletchall at 641-202-1115 or Justin Stiens at 641-745-7815 to let them know.

June 15th the ITA will be set up during the Iowa County Outdoor Adventure at Lake Iowa from 10 A.M. to 2 P.M. north of Millersburg. Last year there were 176 kids ages 3-16 that registered for this free event to partake in various activities related to outdoors. We explained different traps, pelts and aspects pertaining to trapping and wildlife management in our area. They had busses that transported everyone to the different locations around the lake for these different activities. 

July 25th to 27th the ITA will have a booth in Sioux Falls, SD at the NTA National. Stop by booth #234 while you are there.

Plans are in the works to have beginner trapper classes held around the state. No set dates or locations have been confirmed as I write this the first part of May. Last year they were held mostly in August to October time frame at 8 different locations around the state. As soon as I know I will pass them along.

The ITA Fall Convention & Sportshow will be held Sept 6-7th in Winterset at the Madison County fairgrounds. The address is 1204 W Summit St or .6 miles east of the junction of Hwy 169 and Hwy 92 at the west side of town. Cost to tailgate will be $25 per space and inside dealers $35 per space as it has in the past. For those camping, there will be plenty of spaces for primitive or electrical with some water hook-ups. Primitive camping will be $11 per night and with electric $17 per night. Fairgrounds staff will collect all camping fees NOT the ITA. There is also a dump station present on the grounds. My current list of vendors attending are: Cumberland's, Kansas Trapline Products, Keg Creek Lures, Funke Trap Tags, Fiber Tuff, No B-S Lures, Top Lot Stretchers, R&M Lures,  AJ Skinners, MJ Enterprises, Robert's Trading, Backwater Baits, Mike O'Hearn, Life is Now Outdoors. Exline’s River Bottom Baits, Billingsley Brand Lures,  Last Step Trap Supply/Tanning, Delta Waterfowl, Cook’s Fur & Leather, Sleepy Creek Tannery, Blakeley’s Bait & Lure, Bret Smith/Lenon Lures and Papio Creek Trap Supply.

The two motels in town are: Covered Bridge Inn – 515-462-4888 is about ½ mile east of town off Hwy 92 and the Cobblestone Inn – 515-462-4889 is about ¼ mile west of Hwy 169 and Hwy 92 on the north side of town. I have 10 rooms blocked under the Iowa Trappers at the Cobblestone for $122 per night plus tax and 15 rooms blocked under Iowa Trappers at the Covered Bridge Inn for $99 per night plus tax. Indicate you are with the Iowa Trappers to get those rooms and prices.

Friday evening will be the potluck. We will again be holding a beginner trapper class starting at 9 A.M. Saturday morning as we have in the past for anyone interested. Also, don’t forget the ITA photo contest, mail your photo/s to, Tom Walters 1723 20th St. Bettendorf, IA 52722 or bring them to convention. If you bring them to convention, get your photo’s to Tom before noon Saturday for judging.  Be sure to put your name on the back of the photo as well.  Categories include: Animal in Trap, Trapper and Catch, Multiple Catch and Youth (16 & younger).

FYI – there will be a couple major items sold during the auction on Saturday evening. One will be the LAST and FINAL hardcover ITA History book which is book #10 of 10. The first 3 were sold at Winterset in 2019 when the book was released. The other item will be a slightly used sheared beaver blanket. The size is approximately 95 inches wide by 102 inches long, so it will work on a queen or king size bed.

The summer Board of Directors meeting will be held 10 A.M. Sunday June 23rd at the Pizza Ranch in Urbandale. Pizza Ranch is located just south of I-80/I-35 off the 86th St. exit on the west side of the street - address is 4954 86th St. Urbandale, IA.  The fall Board of Directors meeting will be held September 6th at the fairgrounds in Winterset. The General Membership meeting will be held 1:30 P.M. Saturday September 7th on the fairgrounds as well. As always, all current ITA members are always welcome to attend any of these meetings.

Have a good Spring and Summer. Til next time - Craig

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© 2023 by Iowa Trappers Association, Inc.

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