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January, 2025 President's Report

Greetings all. I will start this with a note for those lifetime members who joined at or since convention. The business that makes our plaques ran out of plaques we utilize for our lifetime members. He has re-ordered them, but there has been a delay getting them back in stock. As soon as they arrive and Kristan receives them, your lifetime member package will be sent to you. We apologize for the delay in getting those out to everyone. 

As I write this, season is underway for another year. I am waiting to set, but will get some out here soon. Hope everyone has an enjoyable season, since that is what it is all about the past decade. As has been said many times, take someone along who hasn’t participated whether young or old, female or male. It can make a good time to be had for you and them as well.

I did a pre-recorded interview about the ITA, which aired November 2nd, for Cedar Rapids WMT radio Iowa Outdoor show with Doug Wagner and Ron Lane. I did pretty good until about half-way through when I had one of those blank moments, which was cut out of the interview prior to airing. I did a live show once about 2010 for Sportsmen’s Notebook on WHO radio in Des Moines, the nerves came out that day!!  Back in July, I was voted onto the NTA’s Hall of Fame Selection Committee, then in October received word I was elected to the FTA Governing Board. I never imagined I would have an opportunity to do such special things like this, let alone be YOUR president of the ITA. Almost 23 years ago when I was voted onto this board, I remember well that feeling inside. The great people I have met not only from Iowa, but all over this country only makes my life even better today. I do all this for the passion it has become for me since that first day in the fall of 1972.  I want those in the future that may want to experience this to have that opportunity as well if they desire.  

Currently we have District 20 that is open due to the passing of Scott Webb this past June. The counties in that district are Allamakee, Chickasaw, Howard and Winneshiek in NE Iowa. Requirements for the position are that you must be a current member, live in one of those counties listed and attend at least two meetings in a 12 month period. You must present yourself before the ITA Board for consideration. If anyone has any questions feel free to contact me for more information.

A couple weeks ago we finished our last beginner trapper classes of the year.  Thank you to Roger/Cody Hutton and Calvin Barber for covering the St Charles class, the one closest to home and I wasn’t able to be there. Talked with Cody, he said all the attendees participated and was one of the best classes since starting these 3 years ago.  He indicated that some new members would be coming from this class. A short time later Kristan was sending me new emails to go into my ITA email list. Thank you to everyone who helped with these classes, without you these would not have been possible. Also to all who joined the association due to these classes Thank you!

I talked with Kristan before my interview to get membership numbers which was at 1442 with 541 lifetimes. After convention we were a little over 1400 members, so membership keeps steadily growing. Between the beginner trapper classes, our YouTube channel and blips from other YouTuber’s  is where we are gaining members. Thank you to everyone who has joined or renewed their memberships with the association, your support is greatly appreciated.

Our next event is our 15th annual ITA Fur Auction. The auction will be held January 11th at the Boone County Fairgrounds in Boone. We will begin accepting sellers starting Dec 1st.  This is done so we know how many people are planning to sell, since we limit the sale to 60 sellers. Contact Dave Phipps at 515 491-8214 or myself at 515-306-9385. If you need guidelines you can go to the ITA website or email me at  and I can send them to you. We will have our normal 10-12 buyers present as in the past. When you get there you will receive a card with a number, this number will be your seller number for the auction. This helps Dave, Cody and myself with the lotting in process. This will be our 9th year with the computer system, so this year seller numbers will be 900 plus the number on the card.  Also, if you have blue or damaged pelts put them on a separate string. Those blue or damaged pelts will only reduce the value of your good pelts if mixed in. Once your fur is lotted in, all fur MUST cross the buyers table before it can be pulled for “No Sale”.  Let us know when we are lotting in your fur the minimum price you are wanting, so that can be written on the seller sheet.  For any “No Sale” fur, the commission is calculated off the last bid received. Commission will be 3% for “No Sales” and 5% for sales. Pay the clerk via cash or check only as we will not be able to accept debit or credit cards. After paying your commission, a sheet will be given for you to take to the buyers which purchased your fur. Doors will open at 7 A.M. and auction will begin at 9.  Dan Roberts and Kristie Lambert will have food for lunch plus we will have doughnuts, pop and coffee for a free-will donation.

Funke Trap Tags, Backwater Baits & Sleepy Creek Tannery will be present. Contact them prior if you need them to bring something as they may not be bringing everything you may want. Ben will be accepting fur to be tanned if you want to bring it along as well. Everyone is welcome to attend whether selling or just to see what goes on.   Hope to see everyone in Boone!!

March 7-9th the ITA will have a booth at the Iowa Deer Classic in Des Moines.  Our booth will be number C08 located on the Upper Level Grand Concourse close to the doors into the Big Buck display area. If you attend, stop by and chat with us.

March 15th we will be having our 23rd Annual NTF/ITA Central Iowa Sportsmen’s Banquet at the Sheraton West Des Moines Hotel 1800 50th St in West Des Moines. The hotel is located just east of I-80/I-35 at the University Ave exit. There will be games, raffles, silent and live auctions during the evening. If you are interested in attending, contact me and I will get you that info when it becomes available, usually around late January. Last year tickets were $50 each which included a sit-down dinner. Doors will open at 4 P.M. with dinner being served at 6:30. When you get there park on the southside of the building, walk through the double doors and down the hallway to get to the banquet room. It is a fun evening for a good cause for all who attend. See everyone there.

Currently, I am looking at February 2, April 6 and June 22 as dates for Board meetings this year.  I have yet to select a location for meetings, but will let everyone know when I do. As always, all current members are welcomed to attend any meeting.

That is about it for now. Hope everyone has a good holidays. Til next time - Craig

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